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10 Examples of Popular Crowdsourcing Websites

1. 99Designs

99designs.com logo, 99designs website logo, 99 designs logo99Designs may be the largest design crowdsourcing company, if not, it is definitely up there.  People can post a design contest for a certain amount of money, contestants compete for the cash, and the winning design is paid out the sum.


2. BountyIt

bountyit logo, bountyit website logo

BountyIt is a broad crowdsourcing platform where people compete for “bounties” of cash for everything from website feedback to business slogan ideas.  The “Bounty Poster” puts up a bounty for a certain sum of cash, and the “Bounty Hunter” competes for the cash winnings.  Depending on the bounty’s rules several Bounty Hunters are paid out, or just one.


3. Amazon’s Mturk

amazon's mturk logo, mturk logo, amazon mturk website logo, amazong mturk company logo

Amazon’s Mturk is a large crowdsourcing community of people doing microtasks.  These typically consist of reading and entering a small piece of data for a couple cents, or writing a quick article for under $10.  A “Hit” is put out, which is a bid for the work, along with how many bids are available, if the worker completes it, they earn the “Hit.”


4. Innocentive

innocentive website logo, innocentive logo, innocentive company logo


Innocentive is one of the first crowdsourcing platforms which awards contests typically large sums of money to solve difficult scientific or research problems.  Prizes can be as high as a million dollars and experts in their field compete for them.  Innocentive regularly works with Fortune 500 to crowdsource solutions to experts rather than pay for projects within the company.


5. DesignCrowd

designcrowd logo, designcrowd company logo, designcrowd website logo

DesignCrowd is a large logo and website design crowdsourcing marketplace.  It works like 99Designs in that a person or business puts up a sum of money to receive designs up front, and the winner is paid out.  At DesignCrowd a client can get everything from a graphic t shirt to a company logo designed.


6. CrowdSource

crowdsource.com logo, crowdsource logo, crowdsourcing logo

CrowdSource is tied in with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk, as it manages microtask campaigns for clients.


7. NamingForce

namingforce logo, namingforce, naming force website logo

NamingForce helps its clients crowdsource thousands of name ideas through cash incentives.  Names range from businesses to domain names.


8. CrowdSpring

crowdspring logos, crowdspring website logo, crowdspring logo

CrowdSpring is a crowdsourcing platform that does design, writing and naming.  Crowdspring does very well in all three areas and is one of the largest crowdsourcing platforms on the web.


9. SquadHelp

squadhelp logo, squad help logo, squadhelp website logo

SquadHelp has both a contest crowdsourcing platform, and a crowdsourcing design marketplace.  It primarily focuses on design crowdsourcing contests and naming.


10. Freelancer

freelancer logo, freelancer website logo, freelancer company logo

Freelancer is typically known as a freelance contractor marketplace, where potential freelance candidates bid for jobs.  Lately though it’s design contest platform has become quite popular and competing with the platforms that focus primarily on design crowdsourcing.